Sunday, January 7, 2007

End of PICU

Here I am, finally doing another post, it's only been a month since my last post. But as I said in my first post, I'm still doing them more often than Erik :).

Last month I was in the PICU and was regularly busy, that is why I haven't been posting lately, that and I was having a tough time thinking of things to say up here. During the PICU month I was on call overnight every 3rd night, which means I spent a lot of time at the hospital recently. But it really went well. I learned a lot about intensive care medicine and am continuing to feel more confident with time. We had many sick children to care for, including a few post op from cardiac surgery to correct congenital heart defects, which were good learning experiences. I was in my first code blue, which was both a good experience and bad because the child died. I am glad to be finished with the PICU for now and am certainly enjoying my current cardiology rotation, but it was a good experience and I'm glad to have done it.

Even though I was in the PICU for the month I did have the chance to be up at my parents when Erik and Gina were up there. I always enjoy seeing them and playing games, and now that Jenna is more interactive and talking more its a lot of fun to be around her. She's pretty smart, and as you can see from the Christmas picture of her she's cute as well. Also, they brought this great book called the brick testament in which some guy had inllustrated Genesis with Legos. If you want to see it go to It's pretty funny.

Ok, thats all I can write for one day. Remember everyone, GO BUCKS!!!